“Berry (The Proffered Gift)”
“Looking Forward, Looking back” “Toothybeast Movement Study” “Quisitive Beast” “Cosmic Balance” “The Three Muses” “Pearl”

New work up now!

All of my newest work is now up on flickr. Enjoy!

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  1. pNielsen

    Just curious: Have you sold anything via Flickr???

  2. Eva Funderburgh

    I do pretty well. Some of my sales are folks who find me locally, some find my site, and some just find me straight up through flickr.

  3. jim

    the pieces look great and the photos too.

  4. pcNielsen

    I’d like to get back into using Flickr more but just don’t have anything to post at the moment. Do you photograph the beasts yourself?

  5. Eva

    I do. I just have a pretty simple set up in an old shower stall in my studio. Just made from a curving piece of mouse gray formica, a home made light box, and a little table. I use pieces of white foam board as reflectors. It’s only downside is it’s optimized for very small pieces, which makes it not all that useful for some of my studio mates.

  6. pNielsen

    I have the space to create a similar setup but haven’t gotten around to it. I know I need to, just low on the list of what I want to do :p