“Looking Forward, Looking back”
Blog Archive
“The Invader” “The Three Muses: Melete/ Study” “Skull with White Lines” “The Three Muses: Aoide/ Song”


I’m back from NYC, which was an awesome time.

I got to spend a lot of quality time with my brother, which ranged from just catching up to discussing art.  It was a chance to go out and explore the galleries of Chelsea, and I also got to explore the Museum of Art and Design. All in all, it was a great chance to get out and see all sorts of art, ranging from innovative and crazy uses of materials, to astounding minimalistic installations consisting of nothing but  a couple taut strings in a room.  My brother has a write up of some of it on his blog.

While I as in NYC, I was lucky enough to be posted on two exciting blogs.  The Urban Outfitters Blog decided to highlight my work, as part of a continuing stream of cool and interesting things that they find.  Kitsune Noir, a blog of art and design, also decided to mention my work and the collaboration with my brother.  As a long follower of Kitsune Noir, I was completely flattered by this!  However, as a side effect of all of this attention, I’m about completely out of work that’s for sale online!  I’m going to have to recall a few pieces from galleries this weekend, so I can more available for sale. There will also be all new work coming up in April, after my next wood firing.

The collaboration piece with my brother isn’t finished yet, since we couldn’t find a kiln that was firing while I was there.  We’ll be seeing the results in the next few weeks. In the meantime, you can find some fun in-progress photos here.