"Song “Sanctuary (The Soft Heart of Strength)” (detail) “Looking Forward, Looking back” “Looking Forward, Looking back”

Dispersing Swarm

Installing “Swarm” was a really fun process, one that got me thinking much more about installation, public art, and audience interaction. I have to admit, however, I wasn’t expect to be getting as much out of its dispersal as I have been.
Swarm, another view
I’d always planned to give away many of the fliers before I left Guldagergaard. When ever I work on a project with multiple bits, I often give parts away. Most often I’ll make many tiny eggs, giving them to fellow woodfirers, other artists, friends, visitors to the studio, all sorts of folks. I just enjoy something about the exchange of physical object that become representations of memory. Like something that might be lost for a year in the pocket of a winter coat, only to be found again like a prize, refound with either a rush of memories or wonder of how that could be there.

So with that in mind, I’ve been giving away fliers, to the artists who shaped my time at Guldagergaard, to fellow studio mates, and good friends. I’ve been selling them as well, through my studio, the Island Gallery on Bainbridge, and through Etsy.

It’s been so cool, watching them go on to new lives. It’s amazing to me to see something made by my hands disperse and bring happiness all over. On a whim, I made a google map of all the place they’ve gone. It’s made my day, and it will just continue to be exciting as it keeps filling in with new locations!

View Swarm, 2010 in a larger map

  1. RJ

    I need to be your friend so i can someday be gifted one of your sculptures. They are so beautiful. Also I need friends that I can join in their wood firing. I’ll probably need to move for that to happen. I live in Texas, and about half of it just burnt, so a week long 2400 degree fire sounds like it won’t go over well with any authorities.