“Slow Transformation”
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Two beasts together

When I did my demonstration in Pittsburgh, I decided it would be nice to show both teeth and horns.  I did a quick sketch to see what it would look like. (There’s a bit of a ToDo list in the corner.)

Here’s what the finished demonstration beast looked like.  I ended up only having time to finish one of the beasts, and that was even after having taken several shortcuts.

After I got back home, I decided I really liked idea of the two horned beasts.  The interaction of the two beasts was a really interesting problem.  The horns made it difficult for them to fit together, but I really liked their potential.  I decided to start another pair of them back in Seattle.

At this point, the legs are attached, and I’ve pretty much gotten their shapes down.  I really like them!

They have a cute little tails.  This really shows the lean of the one on the right.

Here, they’re pretty much done at this point.  I just need to finish up the horns and the teeth.  The funny thing is that while I originally sketched them out with lots of teeth, I just didn’t think the teeth worked right this time.  In the end, I gave one tooth to each.

It’s pretty funny to see how these guys developed from that first sketch. I’m very happy with them.  I can’t wait to see how they come out of our October firing.