I’ve realized it’s less than four weeks until my wood firing. So much to make!

These are some wall mounted beasties, that have waited patiently all summer. I now need to figure out framing or such things, and to finish the details.

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/g9xohj

Several hours in, I think I’ve just thought of a better way to do this patina

Instead of cobalt nitrate, which I have to torch on, I just realized I can do an electric kiln heat patina. It turns an even, quality black in a hour at 600c. This could be useful, because right now I just can’t get the cobalt nitrate all the way down into the legs.
My final goal is an even black inside, with a golden red outside. Though, it’s mostly going to be playing until its just right.

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/fWivLs

Whew. I’d forgotten patina work is so SLOW.

That black on the inside may not look like 2+ hours of work, but trust me, it feels like it. When will I learn to stop making sculptures with visible but impossible to reach interiors? Time for lunch.

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/fQi37e

I’m spending some time staring hard at this piece this afternoon.

I’ve got to decide on patinas, but I also got side tracked thinking about it. I know eventually some one’s going to ask me what it means, and I’ll have to translate this ball of feelings, memories, and ideas into words.

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/fPnBtV

Fascinating example of the importance of sand blasting a piece before patinaing it.

I gave the back legs of this sandblasted guy a soak in vinegar and water to remove some investment material, and accidentally created a patina example. Check out the different patches the legs. The vinegar darkened his legs, forming a patina. The spots where I held him without gloves didn’t darken as much, due to the patina being impeded by skin oils. The spots, like the claws, where I’d just taken a grinder to, patinaed as well, but went golden. Fascinating! This is why it’s best to sandblast a piece right before patinaing it, to give yourself a clean spotless surface!
Sandblasting is also useful for spotting surface flaws, which is why I sandblasted this guy even though I wasn’t ready to patina him.

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/fPkyjM