Hr 103, 2270 in front, 2211 back. Last day of firing!

Cone 10 is pretty much down in the far back, cone 12 is falling in the middle, and come 13 is curved in the middle.

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Hr 79. 2253f in front, 2125 in back. Cone 12 is down in front, and I’m toasting a bagel

In the middle, cone 9 is down, 10 and 11 are bending. In the back, cone 7 is downing and 8 is falling.

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Hr 58. 2215f in front, 2067 back. Slowly gaining temp. Getting nice flame in the stack

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Hour 54. 2183f in front, 2032 in back. Started side stoking a bit ago.

Almost half way done!

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Hour 34. 1570f in front, 1142f in back. Started body reduction, so lots of smoke

Body reduction is the process of pulling metal oxides to the surface of the clay, darkening the colors. You close up the air in the kiln, creating a reducing (oxygen starved) atmosphere. You do this early, before glazes have started to melt. We’ll do this twice, once for the start if the kiln, once for the back.

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