“Swimming Beast” “Cosmic Balance” “Mist Beast” “The Three Muses: Mneme/ Memory” “Looking Forward, Looking back”

Off to the wood firing!

As folks who have been following my twitter might have guessed, I’m about to head out for a woodfiring! I’ve just finished packing up several months worth of critters, who will loaded into the kiln this Saturday and Sunday. They’ll be unloaded in two weeks on Saturday, November 28th.
Most of these guys will then be going directly to the Island Gallery on Bainbridge Island, for their December show, “Beauty and the Beasts”. I’ll be featured along side their annual fashion show. Some will be coming to my studio’s annual holiday sale and party. Stay tuned to my twitter for updates on the firing!

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  1. Mike Martino

    Hello Eva,

    Just revisited your blog after a long time. Finally broke down and decided to just get blog feeds directly, makes remembering to visit so much easier.

    I’ll have an anagama/noborigama of my own here in about 3 more months, can’t wait. No really, I need to see the finished, usable kiln…. all I’ve done so far is fork over large amounts of cash for refractories. Ack.

    I love your timelapse vids. Good luck with the firing and the show at Island Gallery. Please give my regards to Susan(s).