“Slow Transformation”
“Sanctuary (The Soft Heart of Strength)” (detail) “The Bronze Odalisques” “Looking Forward, Looking back” “Swimming Beast” “Cuckoos # 3: Unexpected Twist” “Wanderer”

Firing, end of day 4

By the end of the firing, everyone ends up so very tired. This is the last night. We’re just working on maintaining temp, especially in the back of the kiln. We’ve dropped cone 13 in the front, and it looks like cone 13 in the far back might be soft. It’s hard to tell, since cone 12 reacts to the ash or something, and doesn’t melt like it should.
Tomorrow morning, we’ll mud up the kiln, and reduce cool it for a few hours. That will probably start in about seven hours.
Here’s a photo of the wood at the start of the firing, and how it is now. We got a whole brand new cord of wood that’s unstacked in the “after” photo.
The other photo is of the night crew. They’re good folks.

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