“Looking Forward, Looking back”
“Pulled” “Swimming Beast” “Sky Guardians (Sun)” “Cuckoos # 3: Unexpected Twist” “Balance” “The Three Muses: Melete/ Study” “Together”

Finally done with documenting

It’s been a long week.  I finally have all the work photographed, sorted, titled and captioned.  I’ve even sent off the first boxes to galleries and costumers.  The photo is from Monday, when I’d been pushing really hard to get off an application to an emerging artist contest thing.  I was going to just keep working on stuff on my laptop, but between the soft pillow and the soft cat, I didn’t stand a chance. However, everything is now finally up! Enjoy!

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  1. beth hollis

    I think this picture says it all! What an effort it takes for you to create your wonderful, whimsical world. Thank goodness for snuggy kitties and trusty laptop (very appropriate screen saver too).
    I love it!
    I’m really excited about seeing what you’ve done with the latest firing.
    Wish I could be there to see them in person.

  2. beth hollis
  3. heidi

    your work is fantastic. i wish you the best of luck with the NCECA. i sincerely hope to meet you there and have the opportunity to see (and hold!) some of these guys.